Adventures in CeX with a semi-French friend (9/08/2024)

Yesterday was quite a fun day!
A good friend of mine, whom I met online through a little community dedicated to a rather obscure (heh) game series, came back to Spain for a couple of days (he's currently living in France) and I got to meet up with him for the evening.
We had some food in my usual KFC and then went to CeX to see what they had.

A strange trip

Although the evening was quite interesting and fun, even the hour or so I spent in the city on my own before meeting up with my friend was... interesting, to say the least.

I arrived quite early, as I usually do, and I also fell asleep in the bus, as I typically do, too. After getting out I checked the time and realized I still had an hour until the time of the meet-up, so I decided to walk around for a bit in the meantime.
I went to the beach, as usual, and found an interesting... artifact, on the way...

Yep, your eyes are not deceiving you, that's... a microwave. I honestly have no idea what it was doing there, and I'm not sure I want to know, but it was certainly an unsual sight, even for our strange little-big city.

Anyways, microwave aside, I walked all the way to where the KFC restaurant I frequent is, and then decided it was a good time to start heading to the park where we were supposed to meet up.
On the way there, I saw a guy walking in the same direction I was heading, with a familiar walking style and look...
Yep, I was pretty sure that was the guy I was looking for, but I wasn't completely sure as I had only seen him IRL once before, so I decided to message him and told him to look behind him. And, lo and behold, I was right!

We decided pretty much immediately to head to the KFC restaurant, and we had a meal there. Aside from the ordering machine not printing my ticket, nothing too eventful happened there.
After a while, we finally decided to head downtown, and arrived at CeX.
We were there for a while, mostly checking out movies and some games. I pointed out a lot of bootleg Resen movies (I might talk about this in a blog post at some point, not sure) to my friend, explaining to him how to identify them.
We actually found a rather interesting example of this, one that actually had the Resen logo, which means it must've been one of their earlier bootleg movies (they haven't been putting their logo on their cases for years now, as they realized people were starting to figure out what kind of shady business they were doing and didn't want to buy their bootlegs...), you can see it here:

I ended up buying three DVD's, and my friend found a copy of ObsCure for PC... which, funnily enough, was actually a copy that another friend of mine had returned a few weeks back, and, even more surprisingly, he had accidentally left his member card inside... and it was still there.
I sneakily took it out of the case so I could return it to him...

The three DVD's I bought were a "special edition" copy of Silence of the Lambs, the movie "The Haunted Palace" by Roger Corman, starring both Vincent Price and Lon Chaney Jr. (nice combination!), and a DVD containing episodes 27 and 28 of Aquí no Hay Quien Viva (a Spanish comedy tv show). It all costed me 4€ in total.

The DVD's

The Silence of the Lambs

This is a pretty cool DVD set, with a nice slip cover, and it even comes with two discs! One for the movie itself, and another one for the extras, which means the actual movie is of pretty high quality.
The menus are also really cool. The main one has this spinning 3D render of the cell where Hannibal is held up during the movie. It looks really good.

Oddly enough, this DVD set doesn't contain a legal deposit number anywhere, which is usually a sign of a bootleg DVD, but with how much effort it has put into it, and considering how many times the MGM logo shows up in both the case and the disc itself, I'm pretty sure it's a legit copy...

The Haunted Palace

This one I'm actually pretty sure is a bootleg. It does have one logo of MGM in it, but there's no legal deposit number and the overall quality is pretty cheap, plus it's multi-zone which is not usual for legit DVD's.
It doesn't even have any extras, and while the actual film quality is good, the framerate is... weird. Maybe it's just me.
For one euro tho, it's not too bad.

Aquí no hay Quien Viva

And last but not least, the DVD with two episodes of Aquí no hay Quien Viva.
This is actually a pretty fun DVD, it features the show's intro plus two funny out-takes. I wish I had more of these, this is one of only two DVD's of the show I have.
I'd like to own the full collection one day.

And, that was pretty much it for the evening.
We didn't go to Centromail this time because, quite frankly, it's too expensive for my pocket these days. That's why I mostly collect movies instead of videogames nowadays.
We went to a Burger King to hang out for a while, and I later got on a bus back home, while my friend headed his way on foot (yep, all the way to France!).

Overall, I think it was a pretty fun day, and I'm satisfied with what I got in CeX. I think I'll be watching The Haunted Palace with my mom, although I don't think she'll care for seeing a Corman movie with Vincent Price and Lon Chaney Jr. in it as much as I will.

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